Hubert Robert – The Hermitage Museum ГЭ-1262 . Title: Ancient Ruins Used as Public Baths. Date: 1798. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 133 x 194 cm. Nr.: ГЭ-1262. Source: http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01.+Paintings/37563/?lng=en. I have changed the light, contrast and colors of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – The Hermitage Museum ГЭ-9609. Title: Pool Surrounded by a Colonnade (Villa Giulia ?). Date: 1760s – early 1770s. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 116.5 x 141 cm. Nr.: ГЭ-9609. Source: http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01.+Paintings/38197/?lng=en. I have changed the light of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – The Hermitage Museum ГЭ-7593. Title: Villa Madama near Rome. Date: c. 1767. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 53 x 70 cm. Nr.: ГЭ-7593. Source: http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/wps/portal/hermitage/digital-collection/01.+Paintings/38135/?lng=en. I have changed the light of the original photo.

4×5 original

Hubert Robert – Los Angeles County Museum of Art AC1995.170.1. Title: Stair and Fountain in the Park of a Roman Villa. Date: c. 1770. Materials: oil on canvas Dimensions: 340 x 280 cm. Nr.: AC1995.170.1. Source: http://collections.lacma.org/node/178489. I have changed the contrast of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – private collection. Title: Le pont sur le torrent. Date: mid 1780s. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 416 x 616 cm. Auctioned by Christie’s in New York, on January 27, 2007. Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hubert_Robert_-_Le_pont_sur_le_torrent.jpg. I have changed the contrast of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – National Gallery of Art 1952.5.50 . Title: The Ponte Salario. Date: c. 1775. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 91.3 x 121 cm. Nr.: 1952.5.50. Source: http://www.nga.gov/content/ngaweb/Collection/art-object-page.41665.html. I have changed the light, contrast and colors of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – Alte Pinakothek. Title: Landschaft mit römischer Tempelruine. Date: c. 1773. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 276 x 243 cm. Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mazanto/7888454104/sizes/l. I have changed the light and contrast of the original photo.

Hubert Robert – The Art Institute of Chicago 1900.385. Title: The Fountains. Date: 1787/1788. Materials: oil on canvas. Dimensions: 255.3 x 221.2 cm. Nr.: 1900.385. Source: http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/citi/images/standard/WebLarge/WebImg_000148/265_1576655.jpg. I have changed the light of the original photo.
Tak jsme koukali, na obrazy starých mistrů… a nakonec dám novinku… Jeden z těch top obrazů , strhl rekord v ceně….. Podívejte se a snad mi dáte za pravdu, že degradujeme!!
Obraz amerického umělce Jeana-Michela Basquiata se při aukci v newyorské síni Stoheby’s prodal za rekordních 110,5 milionu dolarů (2,6 miliardy korun). Oznámila to aukční síň Sotheby’s.